The classroom size is optimally designed with provisions for light and air. Furniture and classroom ambiance is a result of careful planning. Every classroom of our school is spacious, bright, ventilated and furnished with furniture that is ergonomically designed confirming to the standards specified for kids to develop the right posture and comfortably sit on for their schooling.
Cheerful colors, balanced lighting and careful positioning of workspaces contribute to the overall feeling of welcome. All classrooms are designed to provide comfort and to maximize the output of both students and faculty. Each classroom is equipped with a smartboard that comes with a host of interactive features, providing a very lively and enriching session between the students and the teacher. Assessment is a continuous process at our School and students are descriptively profiled on their cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills.
Classrooms are linked via CCTV to a central monitoring facility where every child is assessed vis-a-vis his or her strengths and talents.